Milking Goats: How Long Can They Go Without Breeding?

The practice known as "milking through" usually lasts two years, but some have reported going as long as seven. My two does are on their second year, and I plan to continue milking.

A Guide to Deciphering a Butcher’s Pork Cut Card

For the uninitiated, a blank processing cut card can be a daunting ordeal, but don't get stressed—it all breaks down to meat.

Ag Bites: Hire Goats to Control Weeds on Your Farm

Goats cause less damage than heavy equipment or chemicals to control weeds, and they provide soil a steady source of manure.

Consider Artificial Insemination for Your Livestock

Ever wonder whether artificial insemination is right for your farm? Learn more about advances in this reproductive technology.

Akhlesh Singh1