Australian Kelpies

The Australian Kelpie is an independent dog breed that is known to herd other animals when not out in the field herding with its master. It can be good with children if it’s raised and socialized with them from puppyhood.

Australian Shepherds

The Australian Shepherd dog breed is highly versatile, intelligent and easy to train to herd livestock. It likes activity and should be exercised and played with several times daily. Aussies make wonderful family dogs, as they are good with children and make excellent watchdogs. These smart dogs can learn just about any farm job, so begin training early.

Cardigan Welsh Corgis

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi dog breed is used on the farm in cattle herding. Its protective and devoted nature makes it a good family dog in addition to a farm guard dog.

English Shepherds

The English Shepherd dog breed has a calm steadiness, keen senses and is intelligent, making it an excellent breed for livestock herding. They are active, good with children and make good watchdogs.

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