3 Winter Tips for First-Time Chicken Owners

You'll need to battle nature to prevent water and eggs from freezing, but you'll also need to help your flock fight boredom for its own safety. Here's how.

Ana HotalingJanuary 17, 2018
Monitor Livestock Health With Midwinter Weight Checks

Don't let your animals fall behind this winter. Learn how to check their weight using a system called body condition scoring.

Lessons of the Fall: The Benefits of Raising Chicks Later in the Year

Raising chicks in the fall and winter gives your layers a leg up come springtime. Here are the basics of how best to do it.

Our Unexpected Guest on Christmas Eve: A Rooster in Crisis

Our holiday took a surprising twist when Fat Boy took alarmingly ill. Was it cold-weather exposure or one of two diseases that could sicken our other birds?

Ana HotalingJanuary 3, 2018