The Amazing Antlion

While cleaning out the vegetable garden yesterday, I noticed many little funnels carved into the soil. Discovering things like this always reminds me that I am never alone in my garden.

Code RRD: Protect Roses Against Rose Rosette Disease

We have several multiflora roses in our woods that have had signs of rose rosette disease (RRD) for the past few years. Now, sadly, one of our cultivated roses is showing signs, as well.

4 Ways to Protect Your Pumpkins From Vine Borers

If squash vine borers are on your farm and protection isn’t in place, don’t count on growing your own Halloween jack-o’-lantern this year.

Planting Our New Juniper

I visited a local nursery last week in hopes of finding a conical evergreen to replace a small redbud tree at the front corner of our house that died. I hit the jackpot when I found a ball-and-burlap Robusta Green juniper (Juniperus chinensis) for a reasonable price.

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