Spare the Goldenrod, Spoil the Garden

Goldenrod was once undeservedly shunned from gardens. This sunny North American native plant was (and sadly still is) considered a weed in much of the country and is often blamed for causing hay fever, though its pollen is too heavy to be carried on the wind.

Behind the Scenes Peek: Seed Savers Exchange

The sun peaked through the clouds when we drove up to the Seed Savers Exchange headquarters in Decorah, Iowa, this summer. Just like going from black and white to technicolor, the gardens burst to life with vivid hues of the varied heirloom seeds Seed Savers works tirelessly to preserve.

Hear My Interview on “America’s Homegrown Veggie Show”

I was recently invited by web-radio host Kate Copsey to join her on "America's Homegrown Veggie Show” to talk about insects in the garden and to discuss my forthcoming book, Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (Timber Press, January 2014).

Gardens of Quebec

Last week, I had the opportunity to visit Quebec City for the annual Garden Writer's Association conference. It was an excellent opportunity to network with garden writers from around the world and tour some of the brightest gardens in the city.

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