Broomcorn for the Birds

I have really been enjoying watching the birds this winter. Although they always love the black oil sunflower seeds and suet we put out for them, this year they seem to be particularly fond of the broomcorn a farmer friend gave to me.

Emerald Ash Borer Damage

The havoc created by a little green insect known as the emerald ash borer is very evident these days here in western Pennsylvania. Tree after tree is meeting its end because of this imported pest, and the ash trees on our property are no exception.

Planter’s Pointers: Plant Potatoes

Check out the step-by-step process for planting potatoes in the vegetable garden.

3 Ways to Keep a Pest-free Garden

In last week's post, I discussed a couple of excellent pest-prevention techniques you can easily employ in your own garden. Here are a few more of my favorites.

Akhlesh Singh1