Cherishing the Autumn Garden

I know fall has arrived when the hens quit laying. It’s extra official now that the leaves have started to change color and the maples have begun to shed. Commence leaf-raking. But more importantly, commence appreciating fall’s beautiful weather—perfect for gardening (at least as long as it isn’t raining).

Protect Your Farm from Listeriosis

A recent major outbreak of listeriosis in cantaloupes serves as a warning to hobby farmers to guard against food-borne diseases.

Empty Pumpkin Vines

I’m so disappointed that we didn’t get any of our own pumpkins this season! I planted five pumpkin vines, including an Atlantic Giant, a Howden, and some others I don’t remember, but none of them managed to set any fruit.

Scientist Searches for New Greenhouse Bumblebee

As bumblebee populations continue to decline, a USDA entomologist searches for a replacement pollinator.

Akhlesh Singh1