Bearing Summer’s Dog Days

It’s been so very hot around here—too hot to do much more than water the garden. The deadheading remains undone for yet another week and the weeds continue to grow. Such is my garden in summer.

Garden Headaches: Stinkbugs and Weeds

Ugh! The stink bugs are in full force now. I knew it would happen, but this is crazy! I have finally started harvesting my tomatoes, and they’re all covered in stink-bug nymphs. The skin and flesh of the fruits is completely corked from their feeding.

Cucumbers, Cabbage, Fennel … Oh My!

I harvested the first cucumbers of the season tonight—39 beauties! I could barely lift the basket when I was finished. I planted about five different cucumber varieties hoping that if some of them died from bacterial wilt, I would still have others continue to produce.

Grow Smart: Keep Food Safe

When you grow your own food, you can take steps to prevent food-borne illness from creeping into your crops. Here’s how.

Akhlesh Singh1