Get to Know Yucca: Hardy, Antibacterial & Anti-inflammatory

Two species of yucca, one called "soapweed" and another called "Mojave yucca," are tough plants that have distinct looks and medicinal uses.

Build a Raised Bed High Tunnel to Extend the Harvest

Extend your harvest with this simple season extender. This raised bed high tunnel is made to fit existing raised beds and takes only a few hours to build.

Get to Know the Medicinal Benefits of Strawberry Leaf

Strawberry leaf has traditional uses to help the digestive, respiratory, nervous and female reproductive systems, although it does carry some controversy.

Late-season Butterfly Flowers for Your Garden

Late-season butterfly flowers are critical to the health of these important pollinators. The nectar they provide helps the insects survive the winter. Here are some great plants for the job.

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