Justifying “Stuff”

The block and tackle were lying there like candy in a dish, just waiting to be picked up and savored. For a guy who loves tools and practical things that work, it was almost too much to pass up. That's the danger of our local summer celebration. The booths in the park always include a number of used tools and other antique items. It’s these displays that always get my attention.

Jim RuenAugust 9, 2011
Owner’s Manual Revisit

I'm one of those assemble first, read the directions later people. Over the years, I have tried to be better about reading the instructions first—or at least while I assemble. It is amazing how much smoother things go.

Jim RuenAugust 2, 2011
Instant Workbench

When I saw the HANDy Bucket Builder lids at our favorite paint store, I was sold immediately. I bought two to try out and picked up six more the next time I was at the store. The Bucket Builder is a lid for a 5-gallon pail that gives you the option of stacking another pail on top or using it to hold one or two 2x4s.

Jim RuenJuly 26, 2011
Expect the Unexpected

As I have written before, I have a weakness for chainsaws, a respect for the work they can do and even more respect for the damage they can cause when misused. I always do my best to prepare the way for safe felling. The other day, I was reminded that the best of preparations can go for naught.

Jim RuenJuly 19, 2011

Akhlesh Singh1