Farm Show Time

We are in the midst of winter farm show season, nationally as well as here in the Midwest. A week and a half ago, I was in Sioux Falls, S.D., for their show. Last week, there was a big show in Des Moines, Iowa.

Jim RuenFebruary 8, 2011
Spanish Goats

Some of the Spanish goat's colorful regional names suggest one of their primary uses: they're called "brush goats" and "briar goats" in the Carolinas, "wood goats" in Florida, "Hill goats" in Virginia, and "scrub goats" throughout their original range.

Faucets, Digital Cameras and Vinegar

With temperatures well below zero, this past weekend was devoted to maintenance. I tore out old caulk around the shower and the tub and put in new.

Jim RuenJanuary 25, 2011
Tighten Up Loose Chair Rungs

If you live in a northern climate, you probably share one of my winter frustrations. It seems like a chair rung or two come loose each winter. A combination of age and the drier winter air is likely to blame.

Jim RuenJanuary 18, 2011

Akhlesh Singh1