The Honest Truth About 4 More Chicken Breeds (Pt. 2)

Continuing with our look at popular breeds, we discuss real-life experiences keeping Araucana, Cochin, Easter Egger and Welsummer chickens.

5 Purposes For Dried Sunflowers In The Autumn Season

In late summer and early autumn, sunflowers may lose their beauty, but the spent flowers still have plenty of uses. Here are 5 to consider.

Simplify Planting Heavy Trees With A Wooden Ramp

Planting trees from large pots can be difficult, but it need not be an insurmountable challenge as a simple wooden ramp can make moving heavy trees easier.

Katahdins Are A Native, Easy-Keeping Sheep Breed

Katahdins are a resilient native sheep breed that do excellent on pasture, bringing benefits from yard management to meat production, milk and more!

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