What Do I Do With Small Eggs?

Our backyard chickens usually produce an inconsistent product. Their eggs vary in shape, size and color, mostly because we collect a variety of breeds based on their coloring, lace, combs, cold hardiness, heat tolerance, egg colors and sizes—whatever tickles our fancy, really. Whether or not we realize it, those of us with many different breeds […]

Winter Salad with Squash, Radish and Greens

Generally I swap soup for salad in the depth of winter, but I still have access to heartier salad greens grown in area hoop houses. To adhere to January’s calorie-cutback resolutions, I just have to include some salads into my daily meals. The combination of squash, winter radish and spinach not only tastes wonderful, it […]

Judith HausmanJanuary 28, 2015
The Legend of the “Land Tarppon”

When we found evidence of a secret garden visitor munching on our homegrown tomatoes, we turned to the locals to fill us in on the details.

Kevin FogleJanuary 26, 2015
6 Ways to Banish Rodents from the Coop

Have you ever found little mouse droppings peppered throughout your coop bedding—black oval pellets about the size of a grain of rice? Evidence of rodents in your chicken coop can be unnerving, but it’s important to recognize that winter is a hungry time for wild animals. The reward of a warm bed and a full […]

Akhlesh Singh1