Keep Backyard Flocks Salmonella-free

Courtesy Stock.XCHANG/ Robert Mich Keep your backyard flock free from salmonella by taking biosecurity precautions. The caged chicken versus free-range chicken debate seems to rage on even in light of the more than 500 million eggs recalled in recent weeks. Most in the egg industry still insist that raising hens in battery cages is actually […]

Rebecca MumawSeptember 3, 2010
Best Bowls and Favorite Glasses

Photo by Judith Hausman These large-rimmed soup bowls are my favorite; they bring out the best flavor in soups.  In the wine world, prestigious glassware manufacturers make magical claims that a wine tastes its best in their glasses. Specific shapes deliver wine to the right place on the palate, and position the nose properly to […]

Judith HausmanSeptember 1, 2010
Seattle Legalizes Urban Farms, Denies Roosters

Courtesy Diana Jain Nicole Capizzi runs a CSA from her 1/2-acre urban farm in Seattle’s Rainier Beach neighborhood.  Anyone who’s secretly been keeping more than three chickens in Seattle is no longer breaking the law, thanks to new legislation that updates the city’s land-use codes on urban agriculture. But it’s ixnay for the roosters. The […]

Emily FarrisAugust 31, 2010
Chasing Cows

When Red first came to live with us, we viewed him as just a mellow older Quarter Horse, the kind you could put little kids and adult beginners on without a worry. The friend we got him from told me that he had royal cutting horse bloodlines, but I figured he probably just didn’t have what it took to be a cutting horse.

Audrey PaviaAugust 30, 2010

Akhlesh Singh1