62 Groups Request NAIS Not be Part of School Lunch Program

Schools weigh in on NAIS. Opposition stated to proposed ag appropriations bill requiring that school lunch programs buy only meat from NAIS-registered farms.

Dani YokhnaFebruary 18, 2009
New Manure Runoff Rules Approach. Are You Ready?

Read about new rules how livestock farms must manage animal waste to keep it from running off into streams, rivers or groundwater. The deadline for complying with the new rules is around the corner

Dani YokhnaFebruary 18, 2009
Sustainable Standards in the Planning Moves Forward

Agreements reached and steps taken to move discussion forward toward a national consensus standard on sustainable agriculture.

Dani YokhnaFebruary 18, 2009
Cheese Making Workshops in Oklahoma

These cheese-making workshops at the HLA Country Farm fill up fast. Two more are set for May 24 and 31.

Dani YokhnaFebruary 18, 2009

Akhlesh Singh1