Certifier of Sustainable Farms Closes

Lack of funding brings Food Alliance’s certification program to a halt, while a volunteer board keeps the nonprofit’s sustainable-agriculture standards intact.

Dani YokhnaFebruary 26, 2013
Farming Like a President

America's founding fathers provide an example of how to raise livestock as part of a sustainable farming operation.

Dani YokhnaFebruary 19, 2013
Buckwheat Shows Promise as Cover Crop

Two grants are being used to help farmers discover how to use buckwheat as a weed-suppressing, pest-controlling cover crop.

Dani YokhnaFebruary 15, 2013
Virus Used to Target Brassica Disease

USDA scientists use a virus to distinguish the bacterium responsible for crucifer blight from its doppelganger.

Dani YokhnaFebruary 12, 2013

Akhlesh Singh1